Wheelbreaker | Volagog

Turn js on, I need it to do stuff that could be done from the server if I ran the place myself.

Not even the imortal destroyer could avoid becoming fish food and now their mind sleeps under the starless seas

Volagog is a colonial organism that takes the form of a large black slime on the bottom surface of the ocean. Small nanomachines exist as organelle within the organisms that mamke up the colony and are responsible for the mind that the Vologog have.

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The origin of their artificial organelle predates the current timeline and the reforging of the realms and as suck the Vologog are not able to perceive the currents of magic and are not able to effect them either, they are wholy unique in this way.
They are also the closest thing to a proper "thinking mmachine" that exists in wheelbreaker. Their minds are especially alien and they largely do not interact with the other races outside of a professional context. Whether or not there is more than one distinct Volagog is unknown.